Microsoft EMS Intune – WP8.1 / Windows 10 PC – ADFS / MFA Registration 奇怪打loop事件



呢個絕對係要話比M$ 玩起嘅一樣野。 到呢家估計三個月,無人話到畀我知道有咩相關。 以自己所以了解係。 Azure Cloud MFA 同 On-Premises MFA Server 並唔會共存。但係Intune Portal 嘅 MFA option 只睇Cloud MFA。 所以出事。。。 而呢個option.. 只對WP/ Windows PC 有反應。。。 可惡 M$。。。

如果有用ADFS, 有 set MFA。 下面個checkbox一定唔可以tick!@#$%^&*()_


PS. 04/May/2016 遲來的答案。 終於搵到你…

How to configure multi-factor authentication in Microsoft Intune – Part 2: The single sign-on method

Note: It’s important to not configure any additional multi-factor authentication settings. Not in the global authentication policy and not in the Microsoft Office 365 Identity Platform authentication policy. Configuring these settings will cause multi-factor authentication to be triggered for more then just the device enrollment in Microsoft Intune. ”


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