第一錯,係AD Site,未除Decommision Exchange 2003/2007 前,唔應該dcpromo DC…… 基於呢個咁愚蠢嘅apporach. 隻Exchange 2003 係係ADSIEdit強行Delete… , Server remove registry… 真係笨到無朋友
第二錯,Public Folders… 呢一樣野點去到Replica.係有Exchange20032/07, 到呢家得返隻2010…係唔同嘅。最後到比我搵到有人講。。 頂!@#$%?&*(! M$ !!!
最後(唔係我錯)…. Remove Exchange 2007… 再俾多個error我睇
“Error: Unable to create IIS (Internet Information Service) directory entry. Error Message is: Exception from HRESULT: 0x80005008. HResult = -2147463160”
要係 %SystemRoot%/System32/inetsrv/metabase.xml .. 有三行有會有IpSecurity=”” , 全部 Delete 佢先可以uninstall到Exchange2007…
Shit !@#$%^&*()_
Reference Information:
The Resolution
I spoke to a Microsoft exchange architect named Indarraaj. He informed me that this is this error is by design. You can only have one exchange 2003 and one exchange 2007 server as a replica at these parent level public folders. However if you look at the sub folders, it is possible to add all your servers as replica’s. As long as you add all your servers as replica’s to your sub folders you will be fine.
I asked him why this was not documented on the internet anywhere, as I did research this pretty intensively and there was hardly any information! He said there is a KB article for this however it is a Microsoft internal KB which is not available externally for the public! I think this is pretty strange, if this error is by design, shouldn’t Microsoft at least document this if every exchange organisation around the world experiance this issue at a given time when migrating from exchange 2003 to 2007?
Anyway all in all just check the child public folders and ensure that the replica’s are set right on them.
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